Thursday, December 17, 2009

montana open season on wolves

I am a huge supporter of the balance of wildlife and reintroduction of wolves into yellowstone. over the years leading up to legislation to reintroduce the wolf voices of opposition argued that livestock would not be safe on yellowstones borders . now that same cry is heard to justify killing the same wolves released a decade ago. ther is a valid argument for magement of the popultion of wolves ain yellowstone to pevent conflict with land owners and ranchers . thus ensuring wolves in yellowstone for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that laughter is the best medicine, and since I tend to be too serious, I need to put more portions of it on my plate! I frequently go into the card stores and love to read the Far Side cards and can hear me laughing throughout the store like a crazy person! Now, maybe other people will join in too. Let's bring some of our favorite jokes to class next Trimester and share them (I'm taking Chemistry, too).

    By the way, I heard from Larry that your Hummingbird midterm was really good...and you even used PowerPoint for the project. Good on you! I love Hummers and would like to see your presentation sometime, if we have the chance. Sorry I missed it! In our shamanic work, hummingbird represent love in all it's various totally appropriate that it's your totem!

    Have a great holiday! Blessings to you and yours.

    On another note
